Thursday, May 21, 2015

Off with a sputter...

Well, of course.
Of course I'd finally buckle down after months of saying, "Man, I oughtta start a blog!" and finally do just that only to hit that inevitable brick wall of doubt.  Am I writing something anyone's going to to want to read?  Is what I've writing good enough?  Interesting?  Funny?  So I've got a nearly finished post, the first installment of my Muppet series, sitting in the tank and here I am writing this instead of finishing that.  I've edited and reread that post several times and even considered just scrapping the whole thing for now.  And now I'm wondering if I've put the key in the ignition, started the car, and now am just going to sit in the driveway until the gas runs out.
So how do I tackle this beast of a thing that's keeping me from blogging my little heart out?
Well, first of all I should probably remind myself that no one reads the damn blog yet.  I just started it.  I made one post.  I plugged it on Facebook but no one commented.  So as it stands, I think the only people who've read that first post thus far are my wife and myself.  If no one's watching, I can go ahead and make a damn fool of myself and not worry about anyone laughing.
But that's the thing, I shouldn't give a hoot anyway, I should just put it out there.  I'm a really big fan of not giving a hoot about what other people think of you and your whole thing, it's practically my motto, and here I am doing just that about a post on a blog no one reads. 
Excuse me while I slap myself.
The other thing is, I like doubt.  I'm a big fan of doubt.  I think it's a virtue.  It makes you question, it makes you investigate, it makes you prepare.  It makes you try that much harder to be that much surer.  As long as you don't let it defeat you, doubt's a damn fine tool for being better.  And I've already used it to refine the unposted post.  I just need to say, "Alright, Doubt, ol' chum, thanks for your help but I'll take it from here," and let go of my dear friend's hand.
It's not even a bad post.  It's probably a pretty good post.
And I'll be publishing it in just a few minutes.
Because c'mon, geez.

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